Team Fortress 1.5 Player's Guide

This guide is aimed at easing new players into Team Fortress 1.5. If you're already familiar with the original Team Fortress, this probably isn't going to be very useful for you. On the other hand, if Team Fortress 1.5 is your first step into multiplayer teamplay, then this guide is just what you're looking for.

Team Fortress 1.5 has a lot of features that ultimately are good to know but simply aren't needed when you're first starting out. This guide presents information to you in small pieces that are easy to digest. Install TF, read the How do I play my first game? section, and then go and play a few games before reading more. When you come back you'll have a list of questions in mind, which this guide hopes to answer for you.

What is Team Fortress 1.5?

How do I install TF?

How do I play my first game?

Which class should I play?

What are some of the things I can do?

What maps come with TF, and what do I have to do in them?

How do I run a TF Server?

How do I use TFStats?

Where can I find more information about Team Fortress Classic?


Sections of this manual were inspired by various TF player FAQs and Guides from the internet. We'd like to thank all the great class specific homepages out there, and the UK Fortress Newsdesk for its incredible FAQ.